基本的游戏理念非常简单。你已经建造了一个 5G 桅杆。住在附近的人在网上看到 5G 很危险,所以他们正试图到达桅杆并摧毁它。你的任务是保护桅杆。通过在天空中铺设化学尾迹,你可以让下雨的心灵控制化学物质。如果化学物质击中向您的桅杆移动的人,这将使他们改变主意并回家。在更困难的水平上,抗议者将开始戴上锡箔帽,并使用使他们对您的化学品更具抵抗力的对策。
I use very old 4 colour (CGI) PC graphics to illustrate the gameplay. The game does not have to look like this. I was just very inspired by the 1982 Paratrooper game when I came up with this idea. This game is actually a touch device game. You simply swipe the part of the sky where you want to lay your chemtrail. The rain starts immediately and you have to calculate wind speed and walking speed of the people on the ground to make sure you hit them. If more than four people reach the mast they are strong enough to destroy it. Game over.
You have a limited chemical supply which refills slowly so you have to use it sparingly. If you can keep protesters away for 30 seconds the level is won and you move on to the next.
Except for the nostalgia part, I think this very simple design and large pixels could actually benefit the gameplay. If you can see the pixels the experience of hit or miss is more distinct. But whoever takes on this idea can decide what the design should be.