free your darlings

Published: 2022-06-08

About this site

This site is composed of static HTML-files render from a very basic CMS (content management system) I created myself. I have tried to keep the site as simple as possible in every way. No fancy design or functionality. Just the basics to get my projects out and to work in as many places as possible. Some things could be done better but have prioritized blogging before coding in order to get something published.

Cookies and tracking

At the moment I only use cookies when you click some of the share options. It is a setup I use in order to only load content from Facebook and others when absolutely necessary. This is so that they cannot track your every move on the site. If you share something they will know of course. I do use Google fonts which are loaded from their servers. This could in theory mean that Google is tracking your moves around the site, but I don't know if they do that. The rest of the content is loaded from the domain (Except Youtube videos).

There are no tracking scripts at the page at this point. I might add some later and if so this information will update too.

If you choose to comment on an article I will save a verified email address along with your IP-address. The email will not be stored in clear text and it will not be visible on the page.


I'm writing the articles myself. English is the only language on this site that I know well enough to write in. For the rest of the languages I use I'm using Google translate. I create a very basic version of the text I wrote before I translate it. I hope that will minimize the numbers of error and misinterpretations. I would love to have someone translate for me but I don't have the budget right now. Please let me know if you find any errors in my translated articles. If you know of anyone who would like to get involved and translate for free, please let me know.