Defend your 5G mast against protesters
The basic gameplay idea is very simple. You have built a 5G mast. People living nearby have read on the Internet that 5G is dangerous so they are trying to reach the mast and destroy it. Your mission is to protect the mast. By laying out chemtrails in the sky you can make it rain mind controlling chemicals. If the chemicals hit the people moving towards your mast it will make them change their mind and go back home. On more difficult levels the protesters will start wearing tin foil hats and use countermeasures that make them more resistant to your chemicals.
I use very old 4 colour (CGI) PC graphics to illustrate the gameplay. The game does not have to look like this. I was just very inspired by the 1982 Paratrooper game when I came up with this idea. This game is actually a touch device game. You simply swipe the part of the sky where you want to lay your trail. The raining starts immediately and you have to calculate wind speed and walking speed of the people on the ground to make sure you hit them. Once more than four people have reached the mast they are strong enough to destroy it. Game over!
You have unlimited chemicals but they will refill slowly so you also have to consider how much you use all the time. If you can keep protesters away for 30 seconds the level is won and you move on to the next.
Except for the nostalgia part, I think this very simple design and large pixels could actually benefit the gameplay. If you can see the pixels the experience of hit or miss is more distinct. But whoever takes on this idea can decide what the design should be.
Try out the Paratrooper game as it was when I played it as a kid, or read about chemtrails on Wikipedia